
Inheritance diagram of Slicer
class discretize.mixins.Slicer(mesh, v, xslice=None, yslice=None, zslice=None, v_type='CC', view='real', axis='xy', transparent=None, clim=None, xlim=None, ylim=None, zlim=None, aspect='auto', grid=(2, 2, 1), pcolor_opts=None, **kwargs)[source]#

Plot slices of a 3D volume, interactively (scroll wheel).

If called from a notebook, make sure to set

%matplotlib notebook

v(n_cells) numpy.ndarray

Data array

xslice, yslice, zslicefloat, optional

Initial slice locations (in meter); defaults to the middle of the volume.

v_type: {‘CC’, ‘Fx’, ‘Fy’, ‘Fz’, ‘Ex’, ‘Ey’, ‘Ez’}

Type of visualization.

view{‘real’, ‘imag’, ‘abs’}

Which component to show.

axis{‘xy’, ‘yx’}

‘xy’: horizontal axis is x, vertical axis is y. Reversed otherwise.

transparent‘slider’ or list of float or pairs of float, optional

Values to be removed. E.g. air, water. If single value, only exact matches are removed. Pairs are treated as ranges. E.g. [0.3, [1, 4], [-np.infty, -10]] removes all values equal to 0.3, all values between 1 and 4, and all values smaller than -10. If ‘slider’ is provided it will plot an interactive slider to choose the shown range.

climNone or list of [min, max]

For pcolormesh (vmin, vmax). Note: if you use a norm (e.g., LogNorm) then vmin/vmax have to be provided in the norm.

xlim, ylim, zlimNone or list of [min, max]

Axis limits.

aspect‘auto’, ‘equal’, or num

Aspect ratio of subplots. Defaults to ‘auto’.

A list of two values can be provided. The first will be for the XY-plot, the second for the XZ- and YZ-plots, e.g. [‘equal’, 2] to have the vertical dimension exaggerated by a factor of 2.

WARNING: For anything else than ‘auto’, unexpected things might happen

when zooming, and the subplot-arrangement won’t look pretty.

grid(3) list of int

Number of cells occupied by x, y, and z dimension on plt.subplot2grid.


Passed to pcolormesh.


The straight forward usage for the Slicer is through, e.g., a TensorMesh-mesh, by accessing its mesh.plot_3d_slicer.

If you, however, call this class directly, you have first to initiate a figure, and afterwards connect it:

>>> fig = plt.figure()

Then you have to get the tracker from the Slicer

>>> tracker = discretize.View.Slicer(mesh, Lpout)

Finally you have to connect the tracker to the figure

>>> fig.canvas.mpl_connect('scroll_event', tracker.onscroll)
>>> plt.show()



Update index and data when scrolling.


Update plot for change in Z-index.


Update plot for change in Y-index.


Update plot for change in X-index.

Galleries and Tutorials using discretize.mixins.Slicer#

Slicer demo

Slicer demo