- property BaseTensorMesh.average_cell_to_face#
Averaging operator from cell centers to faces (scalar quantities).
This property constructs an averaging operator that maps scalar quantities from cell centers to face. This averaging operator is used when a discrete scalar quantity defined cell centers must be projected to faces. Once constructed, the operator is stored permanently as a property of the mesh. See notes.
- Returns:
- (
The scalar averaging operator from cell centers to faces
- (
be a discrete scalar quantity that lives at cell centers. average_cell_to_face constructs a discrete linear operator that projects to faces, i.e.:where
approximates the value of the scalar quantity at the faces. For each face, we are performing a weighted average between the values at adjacent cell centers. In 1D, where adjacent cells and have widths and , on face is approximated by:On boundary faces, nearest neighbour is used to extrapolate the value from the nearest cell center. Once the operator is construct, the averaging is implemented as a matrix vector product, i.e.:
phi_f = Acf @ phi_c
Here we compute the values of a scalar function at cell centers. We then create an averaging operator to approximate the function on the faces. We choose to define a scalar function that is strongly discontinuous in some places to demonstrate how the averaging operator will smooth out discontinuities.
We start by importing the necessary packages and defining a mesh.
>>> from discretize import TensorMesh >>> import numpy as np >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>> h = np.ones(40) >>> mesh = TensorMesh([h, h], x0="CC")
Create a scalar variable at cell centers
>>> phi_c = np.zeros(mesh.nC) >>> xy = mesh.cell_centers >>> phi_c[(xy[:, 1] > 0)] = 25.0 >>> phi_c[(xy[:, 1] < -10.0) & (xy[:, 0] > -10.0) & (xy[:, 0] < 10.0)] = 50.0
Next, we construct the averaging operator and apply it to the discrete scalar quantity to approximate the value at the faces.
>>> Acf = mesh.average_cell_to_face >>> phi_f = Acf @ phi_c
Plot the results
>>> fig = plt.figure(figsize=(11, 5)) >>> ax1 = fig.add_subplot(121) >>> mesh.plot_image(phi_c, ax=ax1, v_type="CC") >>> ax1.set_title("Variable at cell centers", fontsize=16) >>> ax2 = fig.add_subplot(122) >>> mesh.plot_image(phi_f, ax=ax2, v_type="F") >>> ax2.set_title("Averaged to faces", fontsize=16) >>> plt.show()
Source code
)Below, we show a spy plot illustrating the sparsity and mapping of the operator.
>>> fig = plt.figure(figsize=(9, 9)) >>> ax1 = fig.add_subplot(111) >>> ax1.spy(Acf, ms=1) >>> ax1.set_title("Cell Index", fontsize=12, pad=5) >>> ax1.set_ylabel("Face Index", fontsize=12) >>> plt.show()