- SimplexMesh.get_edge_inner_product_deriv(model, do_fast=True, invert_model=False, invert_matrix=False)[source]#
Get a function handle to multiply vector with derivative of edge inner product matrix (or its inverse).
be the edge inner product matrix constructed with a set of physical property parameters (or its inverse). get_edge_inner_product_deriv constructs a function handlewhich accepts any numpy.array
of shape (n_edges,). That is, get_edge_inner_product_deriv constructs a function handle for computing the dot product between a vector and the derivative of the edge inner product matrix (or its inverse) with respect to the property parameters. When computed, returns ascipy.sparse.csr_matrix
of shape (n_edges, n_param).The function handle can be created for isotropic, diagonal isotropic and full tensor physical properties; see notes.
- Parameters:
- model
Parameters defining the material properties for every cell in the mesh.
Allows for the following cases:
: Isotropic case. model contains a scalar physical property value for each cell.(n_cells, dim)
: Diagonal anisotropic case. Columns are orderednp.c_[σ_xx, σ_yy, σ_zz]
. This can also a be a 1D array with the same number of total elements in column major order.(n_cells, 3)
is 2) or (n_cells, 6)numpy.ndarray
is 3) : Full tensor properties case. Columns are orderednp.c_[σ_xx, σ_yy, σ_zz, σ_xy, σ_xz, σ_yz]
This can also be a 1D array with the same number of total elements in column major order.
- invert_modelbool,
The inverse of model is used as the physical property.
- invert_matrixbool,
Returns the function handle for the inverse of the inner product matrix The inverse not implemented for full tensor properties.
- do_fastbool,
Do a faster implementation (if available).
- model
- Returns:
The function handle
which accepts a (n_edges
. The function returns a (n_edges
be the edge inner product matrix (or its inverse) for the set of physical property parameters . And let be a discrete quantity that lives on the edges. get_edge_inner_product_deriv creates a function handle for computing the following:The dimensions of the sparse matrix constructed by computing
for some depends on the constitutive relation defined for each cell. These cases are summarized below.Isotropic Case: The physical property for each cell is defined by a scalar value. Therefore
is a (n_cells
. The sparse matrix output by computing has shape (n_edges
).Diagonal Anisotropic Case: In this case, the physical properties for each cell are defined by a diagonal tensor
Thus there are
dim * n_cells
physical property parameters and is a (dim * n_cells
. The sparse matrix output by computing has shape (n_edges
,dim * n_cells
).Full Tensor Case: In this case, the physical properties for each cell are defined by a full tensor
Thus there are
6 * n_cells
physical property parameters in 3 dimensions, or3 * n_cells
physical property parameters in 2 dimensions, and is a (n_params
. The sparse matrix output by computing has shape (n_edges
Here, we construct a 4 cell by 4 cell tensor mesh. For our first example we consider isotropic physical properties; that is, the physical properties of each cell are defined a scalar value. We construct the edge inner product matrix and visualize it with a spy plot. We then use get_edge_inner_product_deriv to construct the function handle
and plot the evaluation of this function on a spy plot.>>> from discretize import TensorMesh >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> import numpy as np >>> import matplotlib as mpl >>> mpl.rcParams.update({'font.size': 14}) >>> rng = np.random.default_rng(45) >>> mesh = TensorMesh([[(1, 4)], [(1, 4)]])
Next we create a random isotropic model vector, and a random vector to multiply the derivative with (for illustration purposes).
>>> m = rng.random(mesh.nC) # physical property parameters >>> u = rng.random(mesh.nF) # vector of shape (n_edges) >>> Me = mesh.get_edge_inner_product(m) >>> F = mesh.get_edge_inner_product_deriv(m) # Function handle >>> dFdm_u = F(u)
Plot inner product matrix and its derivative matrix
>>> fig = plt.figure(figsize=(15, 5)) >>> ax1 = fig.add_axes([0.05, 0.05, 0.3, 0.8]) >>> ax1.spy(Me, ms=6) >>> ax1.set_title("Edge Inner Product Matrix (Isotropic)", fontsize=14, pad=5) >>> ax1.set_xlabel("Edge Index", fontsize=12) >>> ax1.set_ylabel("Edge Index", fontsize=12) >>> ax2 = fig.add_axes([0.43, 0.05, 0.17, 0.8]) >>> ax2.spy(dFdm_u, ms=6) >>> ax2.set_title( ... r"$u^T \, \dfrac{\partial M(m)}{\partial m}$ (Isotropic)", ... fontsize=14, pad=5 ... ) >>> ax2.set_xlabel("Parameter Index", fontsize=12) >>> ax2.set_ylabel("Edge Index", fontsize=12) >>> plt.show()
Source code
)For our second example, the physical properties on the mesh are fully anisotropic; that is, the physical properties of each cell are defined by a tensor with parameters
, and . Once again we construct the edge inner product matrix and visualize it with a spy plot. We then use get_edge_inner_product_deriv to construct the function handle and plot the evaluation of this function on a spy plot.>>> m = rng.random((mesh.nC, 3)) # physical property parameters >>> u = rng.random(mesh.nF) # vector of shape (n_edges) >>> Me = mesh.get_edge_inner_product(m) >>> F = mesh.get_edge_inner_product_deriv(m) # Function handle >>> dFdm_u = F(u)
Plot the anisotropic inner product matrix and its derivative matrix
>>> fig = plt.figure(figsize=(15, 5)) >>> ax1 = fig.add_axes([0.05, 0.05, 0.3, 0.8]) >>> ax1.spy(Me, ms=6) >>> ax1.set_title("Edge Inner Product (Full Tensor)", fontsize=14, pad=5) >>> ax1.set_xlabel("Edge Index", fontsize=12) >>> ax1.set_ylabel("Edge Index", fontsize=12) >>> ax2 = fig.add_axes([0.4, 0.05, 0.45, 0.8]) >>> ax2.spy(dFdm_u, ms=6) >>> ax2.set_title( ... r"$u^T \, \dfrac{\partial M(m)}{\partial m} \;$ (Full Tensor)", ... fontsize=14, pad=5 ... ) >>> ax2.set_xlabel("Parameter Index", fontsize=12) >>> ax2.set_ylabel("Edge Index", fontsize=12) >>> plt.show()