
property CylindricalMesh.average_node_to_face#

Averaging operator from nodes to faces (scalar quantities).

This property constructs a 2nd order averaging operator that maps scalar quantities from nodes to edges; scalar at faces is organized in a 1D numpy.array of the form [x-faces, y-faces, z-faces]. This averaging operator is used when a discrete scalar quantity defined on mesh nodes must be projected to faces. Once constructed, the operator is stored permanently as a property of the mesh. See notes.

(n_faces, n_nodes) scipy.sparse.csr_matrix

The scalar averaging operator from nodes to faces


Let ϕn be a discrete scalar quantity that lives on mesh nodes. average_node_to_face constructs a discrete linear operator Anf that projects ϕn to faces, i.e.:


where ϕf approximates the value of the scalar quantity at faces. For each face, we are simply averaging the values at the nodes which outline the face. The operation is implemented as a matrix vector product, i.e.:

phi_f = Anf @ phi_n


Here we compute the values of a scalar function on the nodes. We then create an averaging operator to approximate the function at the faces. We choose to define a scalar function that is strongly discontinuous in some places to demonstrate how the averaging operator will smooth out discontinuities.

We start by importing the necessary packages and defining a mesh.

>>> from discretize import TensorMesh
>>> import numpy as np
>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>> h = np.ones(40)
>>> mesh = TensorMesh([h, h], x0="CC")

Then we, create a scalar variable on nodes

>>> phi_n = np.zeros(mesh.nN)
>>> xy = mesh.nodes
>>> phi_n[(xy[:, 1] > 0)] = 25.0
>>> phi_n[(xy[:, 1] < -10.0) & (xy[:, 0] > -10.0) & (xy[:, 0] < 10.0)] = 50.0

Next, we construct the averaging operator and apply it to the discrete scalar quantity to approximate the value on the faces.

>>> Anf = mesh.average_node_to_face
>>> phi_f = Anf @ phi_n

Plot the results,

>>> fig = plt.figure(figsize=(11, 5))
>>> ax1 = fig.add_subplot(121)
>>> mesh.plot_image(phi_n, ax=ax1, v_type="N")
>>> ax1.set_title("Variable at nodes")
>>> ax2 = fig.add_subplot(122)
>>> mesh.plot_image(phi_f, ax=ax2, v_type="F")
>>> ax2.set_title("Averaged to faces")
>>> plt.show()

(Source code, png, pdf)


Below, we show a spy plot illustrating the sparsity and mapping of the operator

>>> fig = plt.figure(figsize=(9, 9))
>>> ax1 = fig.add_subplot(111)
>>> ax1.spy(Anf, ms=1)
>>> ax1.set_title("Node Index", fontsize=12, pad=5)
>>> ax1.set_ylabel("Face Index", fontsize=12)
>>> plt.show()

(png, pdf)
