
Inheritance diagram of InterfaceVTK
class discretize.mixins.InterfaceVTK[source]#

VTK interface for discretize meshes.

Class enabling straight forward conversion between discretize meshes and their corresponding VTK or PyVista data objects. Since InterfaceVTK is inherritted by the BaseMesh class, this functionality can be called directly from any discretize mesh! Currently this functionality is implemented for CurvilinearMesh, TreeMesh and discretize.TensorMesh classes; not implemented for CylindricalMesh.

It should be noted that if your mesh is defined on a reference frame that is not the traditional <X,Y,Z> system with vectors of (1,0,0), (0,1,0), and (0,0,1), then the mesh in VTK will be rotated so that it is plotted on the traditional reference frame; see examples below.



Convert mesh (and models) to corresponding VTK or PyVista data object.


Convert mesh (and models) to corresponding VTK or PyVista data object.

writeVTK(file_name[, models, directory])

Convert mesh (and models) to corresponding VTK or PyVista data object then writes to file.

write_vtk(file_name[, models, directory])

Convert mesh (and models) to corresponding VTK or PyVista data object then writes to file.


The following are examples which use the VTK interface to convert discretize meshes to VTK data objects and write to VTK formatted files. In the first example example, a tensor mesh whose axes lie on the traditional reference frame is converted to a pyvista.RectilinearGrid object.

>>> import discretize
>>> import numpy as np
>>> h1 = np.linspace(.1, .5, 3)
>>> h2 = np.linspace(.1, .5, 5)
>>> h3 = np.linspace(.1, .8, 3)
>>> mesh = discretize.TensorMesh([h1, h2, h3])

Get a VTK data object

>>> dataset = mesh.to_vtk()

Save this mesh to a VTK file

>>> mesh.write_vtk('sample_mesh')

Here, the reference frame of the mesh is rotated. In this case, conversion to VTK produces a pyvista.StructuredGrid object.

>>> axis_u = (1,-1,0)
>>> axis_v = (-1,-1,0)
>>> axis_w = (0,0,1)
>>> mesh.orientation = np.array([
...    axis_u,
...    axis_v,
...    axis_w
... ])

Yield the rotated vtkStructuredGrid

>>> dataset_r = mesh.to_vtk()

or write it out to a VTK format

>>> mesh.write_vtk('sample_rotated')

The two above code snippets produced a pyvista.RectilinearGrid and a pyvista.StructuredGrid respecitvely. To demonstarte the difference, we have plotted the two datasets next to each other where the first mesh is in green and its data axes are parrallel to the traditional cartesian reference frame. The second, rotated mesh is shown in red and its data axes are rotated from the traditional Cartesian reference frame as specified by the orientation property.

>>> import pyvista
>>> pyvista.set_plot_theme('document')
>>> p = pyvista.BackgroundPlotter()
>>> p.add_mesh(dataset, color='green', show_edges=True)
>>> p.add_mesh(dataset_r, color='maroon', show_edges=True)
>>> p.show_grid()
>>> p.screenshot('vtk-rotated-example.png')

Galleries and Tutorials using discretize.mixins.InterfaceVTK#

Operators: Cahn Hilliard

Operators: Cahn Hilliard

Plot Mirrored Cylindrically Symmetric Model

Plot Mirrored Cylindrically Symmetric Model

Basic Forward 2D DC Resistivity

Basic Forward 2D DC Resistivity

Basic: PlotImage

Basic: PlotImage

QuadTree: FaceDiv

QuadTree: FaceDiv

QuadTree: Hanging Nodes

QuadTree: Hanging Nodes

Plotting: Streamline thickness

Plotting: Streamline thickness

Overview of Mesh Types

Overview of Mesh Types

Tensor meshes

Tensor meshes

Cylindrical meshes

Cylindrical meshes

Tree Meshes

Tree Meshes

Averaging Matricies

Averaging Matricies

Differential Operators

Differential Operators

Basic Inner Products

Basic Inner Products

Constitutive Relations

Constitutive Relations

Differential Operators

Differential Operators

Advanced Examples

Advanced Examples

Gauss’ Law of Electrostatics

Gauss' Law of Electrostatics

Advection-Diffusion Equation

Advection-Diffusion Equation

Nodal Dirichlet Poisson solution

Nodal Dirichlet Poisson solution