
- class discretize.CurvilinearMesh(node_list, **kwargs)[source]#
Curvilinear mesh class.
Curvilinear meshes are numerical grids whose cells are general quadrilaterals (2D) or cuboid (3D); unlike tensor meshes (see
) whose cells are rectangles or rectangular prisms. That being said, the combinatorial structure (i.e. connectivity of mesh cells) of curvilinear meshes is the same as tensor meshes.- Parameters:
- node_list
array_like List
containing the gridded x, y (and z) node locations.For a 2D curvilinear mesh, node_list = [X, Y] where X and Y have shape (
)For a 3D curvilinear mesh, node_list = [X, Y, Z] where X, Y and Z have shape (
- node_list
area has been deprecated.
Averaging operator from cell centers to edges (scalar quantities).
Averaging operator from cell centers to faces (scalar quantities).
Averaging operator from cell centers to faces (vector quantities).
Averaging operator from edges to cell centers (scalar quantities).
Averaging operator from edges to cell centers (vector quantities).
Averaging operator from edges to faces.
Averaging operator from x-edges to cell centers (scalar quantities).
Averaging operator from y-edges to cell centers (scalar quantities).
Averaging operator from z-edges to cell centers (scalar quantities).
Averaging operator from faces to cell centers (scalar quantities).
Averaging operator from faces to cell centers (vector quantities).
Averaging operator from x-faces to cell centers (scalar quantities).
Averaging operator from y-faces to cell centers (scalar quantities).
Averaging operator from z-faces to cell centers (scalar quantities).
Averaging operator from nodes to cell centers (scalar quantities).
Averaging operator from nodes to edges (scalar quantities).
Averaging operator from nodes to faces (scalar quantities).
Orientation of the first axis.
Orientation of the second axis.
Orientation of the third axis.
Integrate a vector function on the boundary.
Boundary edge locations.
Outward normal vectors of boundary faces.
Represent the operation of integrating a scalar function on the boundary.
Boundary face locations.
Integrate a vector function dotted with the boundary normal.
Boundary node locations.
cellGrad has been deprecated.
cellGradBC has been deprecated.
cellGradx has been deprecated.
cellGrady has been deprecated.
cellGradz has been deprecated.
Return gridded cell center locations.
Cell gradient operator (cell centers to faces).
Boundary conditions matrix for the cell gradient operator (Deprecated).
X-derivative operator (cell centers to x-faces).
Y-derivative operator (cell centers to y-faces).
Z-derivative operator (cell centers to z-faces).
Return cell volumes.
The dimension of the mesh (1, 2, or 3).
edge has been deprecated.
edgeCurl has been deprecated.
Edge curl operator (edges to faces).
Return lengths of all edges in the mesh.
Unit tangent vectors for all mesh edges.
Gridded edge locations.
Gridded x-edge locations (staggered grid).
Gridded y-edge locations (staggered grid).
Gridded z-edge locations (staggered grid).
faceDiv has been deprecated.
faceDivx has been deprecated.
faceDivy has been deprecated.
faceDivz has been deprecated.
Return areas of all faces in the mesh.
Face divergence operator (faces to cell-centres).
Unit normal vectors for all mesh faces.
X-derivative operator (x-faces to cell-centres).
Y-derivative operator (y-faces to cell-centres).
Z-derivative operator (z-faces to cell-centres).
Gridded face locations.
Gridded x-face locations (staggered grid).
Gridded y-face locations (staggered grid).
Gridded z-face locations (staggered grid).
Number of cells in the x direction.
Number of cells in the y direction.
Number of cells in the z direction.
Number of nodes in the x-direction.
Number of nodes in the y-direction.
Number of nodes in the z-direction.
Total number of cells in the mesh.
Total number of edges in the mesh.
The number of edges in each direction.
Number of x-edges in the mesh.
Number of y-edges in the mesh.
Number of z-edges in the mesh.
Total number of faces in the mesh.
The number of faces in each axis direction.
Number of x-faces in the mesh.
Number of y-faces in the mesh.
Number of z-faces in the mesh.
Total number of nodes in the mesh.
nodalGrad has been deprecated.
nodalLaplacian has been deprecated.
Nodal gradient operator (nodes to edges).
Nodal scalar Laplacian operator (nodes to nodes).
The gridded x, y (and z) node locations used to create the mesh.
Return gridded node locations.
normals has been deprecated.
Rotation matrix defining mesh axes relative to Cartesian.
Origin or 'anchor point' of the mesh.
Projection matrix from all edges to boundary edges.
Projection matrix from all faces to boundary faces.
Projection matrix from all nodes to boundary nodes.
Indicate whether mesh uses standard coordinate axes.
Coordinate reference system.
Alias for
.Number of cells in each coordinate direction.
Number of x-edges along each axis direction.
Number of y-edges along each axis direction.
Number of z-edges along each axis direction.
Number of x-faces along each axis direction.
Number of y-faces along each axis direction.
Number of z-faces along each axis direction.
The number of nodes along each axis direction.
Stencil for cell gradient operator (cell centers to faces).
Differencing operator along x-direction (cell centers to x-faces).
Differencing operator along y-direction (cell centers to y-faces).
Differencing operator along z-direction (cell centers to z-faces).
tangents has been deprecated.
vol has been deprecated.
Alias for the
([alpha, beta, ...])Create Robin conditions pieces for weak form of the cell gradient operator (cell centers to faces).
(locations[, grid_loc, ...])Find the indicies for the nearest grid location for a set of points.
()Make a copy of the current mesh.
(value, **kwargs)Create this mesh from a dictionary of attributes.
([alpha, ...])Create Robin conditions pieces for weak form of the edge divergence operator (edges to nodes).
(other_mesh)Compare the current mesh with another mesh to determine if they are identical.
(element)Convert an
object to adiscretize
(*args, **kwargs)getBCProjWF has been removed.
(*args, **kwargs)getBCProjWF_simple has been removed.
(*args, **kwargs)getEdgeInnerProduct has been removed.
(*args, **kwargs)getEdgeInnerProductDeriv has been removed.
(*args, **kwargs)getFaceInnerProduct has been removed.
(*args, **kwargs)getFaceInnerProductDeriv has been removed.
(*args, **kwargs)getInterpolationMat has been removed.
(BC[, discretization])Create the weak form boundary condition projection matrices.
([discretization])Create weak form boundary condition projection matrices for mixed boundary condition.
([model, ...])Generate the edge inner product matrix or its inverse.
(model[, ...])Get a function handle to multiply vector with derivative of edge inner product matrix (or its inverse).
([model, ...])Generate the edge inner product line matrix or its inverse.
(model[, ...])Get a function handle to multiply a vector with derivative of edge inner product line matrix (or its inverse).
([model, ...])Generate the edge inner product surface matrix or its inverse.
Get a function handle to multiply a vector with derivative of edge inner product surface matrix (or its inverse).
([model, ...])Generate the face inner product matrix or its inverse.
(model[, ...])Get a function handle to multiply a vector with derivative of face inner product matrix (or its inverse).
([model, ...])Generate the face inner product matrix or its inverse.
Get a function handle to multiply a vector with derivative of face inner product surface matrix (or its inverse).
(loc[, ...])Construct a linear interpolation matrix from mesh.
(*args, **kwargs)plotGrid has been deprecated.
(*args, **kwargs)plotImage has been deprecated.
(*args, **kwargs)plotSlice has been deprecated.
(v[, xslice, yslice, zslice, ...])Plot slices of a 3D volume, interactively (scroll wheel).
([ax, nodes, faces, centers, ...])Plot the grid for nodal, cell-centered and staggered grids.
(v[, v_type, grid, view, ax, ...])Plot quantities defined on a given mesh.
(v[, v_type, normal, ind, ...])Plot a slice of fields on the given 3D mesh.
(locs)Find cells that contain the given points.
(*args, **kwargs)projectEdgeVector has been removed.
(*args, **kwargs)projectFaceVector has been removed.
(edge_vectors)Project vectors to the edges of the mesh.
(face_vectors)Project vectors onto the faces of the mesh.
(*args, **kwargs)r has been removed.
(x[, x_type, out_type, return_format])Reshape tensor quantities.
([file_name, verbose])Save the mesh to json.
Represent the mesh's attributes as a dictionary.
(*args, **kwargs)setCellGradBC has been removed.
Set boundary conditions for derivative operators acting on cell-centered quantities.
([models])Convert mesh (and models) to corresponding VTK or PyVista data object.
()Represent the mesh's attributes as a dictionary.
([models])Convert to an
data object.to_vtk
([models])Convert mesh (and models) to corresponding VTK or PyVista data object.
()Return the validation state of the mesh.
(file_name[, models, directory])Convert mesh (and models) to corresponding VTK or PyVista data object then writes to file.
(file_name[, models, directory])Convert mesh (and models) to corresponding VTK or PyVista data object then writes to file.
Using the
utility, we provide an example of a curvilinear mesh.>>> from discretize import CurvilinearMesh >>> from discretize.utils import example_curvilinear_grid >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
The example grid slightly rotates the nodes in the center of the mesh,
>>> x, y = example_curvilinear_grid([10, 10], "rotate") >>> x.shape (11, 11) >>> y.shape (11, 11) >>> curvilinear_mesh = CurvilinearMesh([x, y]) >>> curvilinear_mesh.shape_nodes (11, 11)
>>> fig = plt.figure(figsize=(5,5)) >>> ax = fig.add_subplot(111) >>> curvilinear_mesh.plot_grid(ax=ax) >>> plt.show()
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