.. currentmodule:: discretize .. _0.4.12_notes: =================================== ``discretize`` 0.4.12 Release Notes =================================== June 6, 2020 This patch release is for a few small bugs and code speed improvements. There is now a fast function for return active cell indexes for ``TensorMesh``-s, ``TreeMesh``-s, and symmetric ``CylMesh``-s below a topography surface defined by scattered points, ``discretize.utils.active_from_xyz``. There is also a bug fix of `#197 `__ for the ``discretize.utils.refine_tree_xyz`` helper function on QuadTree meshes when attempting to extend the padding vertically using ``method=surface``. There was also a bug when reading in a 2D UBC mesh that would only manifest if the UBC mesh's origin wasn't at the surface (`#194 `__). We have updated links as we are now using discourse over google groups as a means for users to ask for general help. A few links to the SimPEG documentation needed to be updated for the re-organization of the examples folders. We are removing ``pymatsolver`` from the list of explicit dependancies for ``discretize``. It is **highly** recommended, but it isn't actually required to run anything within the ``discretize`` package. Contributors ============ * @domfournier/@fourndo * @jcapriot * @lheagy * @prisae Bug Fixes ========= * `#194 `__: z-dimension in write/readUBC * `#197 `__: Amount of cells not changing when changing Octree levels in utils.refine_tree_xyz Pull requests ============= * `#193 `__: Remove pymatsolver * `#198 `__: Refine tree xyz * `#201 `__: Update README.rst * `#203 `__: consolidating tests on travis * `#205 `__: Update requirements * `#206 `__: Bug fix for 2D mesh read in. * `#207 `__: update release notes